I have developed my own form of Yoga in which I let you experience what physical Yoga is and how it
can work for you. Physical Yoga accounts for only five percent of all practice on the classical Yoga
path, the rest is Meditation and Attitude. You first want to be balanced before you can look at your
‘inner world’ in meditation, if you are still too overwhelmed in your head you are not going to
succeed, if you are depressed (find yourself in a depression of short or longterm run) or lethargic
either. So through physical Yoga you bring yourself back into balance and then you can do the self-
healing and self-empowering (empowering) work through Meditation. It is also a way to "massage"
both physical and emotional / mental blockages. Which you can then use in meditation. The physical
yoga is nothing more or less than yourself by means of practice causing compression (strength
building, Yang) and stretch, opening the Body (Yin) to massage physical, emotional / mental
blockages. ( The massage helps in making these “blockages’ surface to your conscious mind). I let you
experience this and much more I will teach you in my Yoga classes. Yoga is for everyone, young and
old, and it is not about becoming as strong and limber as possible and being able to perform the
Asananas perfectly. It is more about the inner Alignment and being able to fully accept and embrace
yourself and the limits. And to get to know your physical, breath, emotional / mental Bodies also
called Koshas in the classical Yoga philosophy and experience how these Bodies communicate this
with you. Yoga can help you with many complaints. People who suffer from any addiction (alcohol,
drugs, eating, seks) will notice that the co-coordination of poses (Asanas) soothes the nervous system
together with the breath, so that we are less inclined to any addiction, like alcohol, drugs, as opposed
to much cardio training in the gyms that are used to to lose weight where you return to your action
mode and the nervous system becomes overloaded again. Just to give an example.
I almost always finish my Yoga classes with a Group-Healing / Meditation and am happy to talk to you
after class!
I look forward to seeing you again in the Studio on the mat!